Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Journey of a Princess

This week showed my first gain - I gained 0.3 kg. I know the end of year office lunch and cake with a friend all contributed to this gain so next week I'll be more cautious.

I remember standing in the shower a few years ago allowing the water to run. I showered not because I needed too but because the sound of the water prevented my kids form hearing my cries of heartache.

Since then I’ve travelled an incredible journey. A journey I would not exchange for anything in life. This journey has compelled me to do some soul searching and find out what my purpose is in life and what makes me happy. It has given me unconceivable meaning to my favourite biblical scripture Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

A few years ago a special aunt told me if you get married you should always reserve a part of yourself just for you. I thought damn why didn’t you give me this valuable advice years ago.  How many of us get married thinking our Prince has finally arrived and the castle and carriage is awaiting us. We expect our prince to make us happy and create our fairy tale. It is in marriages that princesses so often lose their identities and passions in playing the role of the sweet transformed princess.

When I got married the message I got from society is that good princesses serves their princes’ well. The needs of the prince are their priority and we follow our royal obligations with absolute rigidness. We see that the food is ready, make sure the house is clean, get the kids to school, work in the garden and 10 past five we make sure we look like a movie star for our prince will soon be home. The prince was taught that his major function is to provide for his kingdom financially and that as a prince he should not cry.

I am not saying any of the above is wrong. I still believe that marriage can be wonderful and regard all of the above as acts of love. What I am saying is that so many of us lose track of who we really are once we get married.  Princesses often regard marriage as the ultimate gift in society and in some cases as the most effective plaster for childhood scars. We expect our princes to mend us and make us happy. My daughter recently shared this with me …….

It was while sitting next to my dad at hospital that I finally figured out what life is really about – How short life is and how important it is that you do the things in life that contributes to your happiness. If you are happy you can be a more content human being.  

I have come to realise that I will never be sure what is meant by living a perfect life and I am extremely cautious when anybody thinks they know best how I should live my life. I am therefore hesitant to give guidelines as to what contributes to happiness but do feel as a woman I can share with other women what has empowered me.  

 My journey was not an easy one. It required deep introspection which was painful and exposed my “imperfections”. There were frightening times and times of despair with lots of tears. I made lots of mistakes and often thought I would not make it. However I do not regret any of it. It was these tears and heartache that was the catalyst for looking deeper within myself and providing myself with the tools to create contentment in my life.

Doing some soul searching is never an easy journey. We as princesses are so busy with our rat race that we don’t take the time to really look within ourselves. I challenge you to take this journey. Find out who you really are, not only your character but find out what makes your heart smile, what gives you contentment. Observe how you respond and react to situations and see if you are happy with what you see.  Re-examine your assumptions in life. Look at your circle of friends and family and decide who adds meaning to your life. In the past, I was trying to earn love and was giving so much of myself hoping I would be rewarded with love and support. I have realised it is not always a good idea.  I am sure you will discover there are lots of people who loved you more when you met their needs but when making your needs a priority you are defined as selfish. 
So this morning I showered with a song in my heart and awesome feeling of gratitude. I realised I am in this perfect space only by the grace of God. I’m off to India something I’ve dreamed about for years. I’m attending the teachings of one of my heroes, Dalai Lama and will be doing some voluntary work at the Mother Theresa Missionary in Calcutta. I am grateful for having a considerate husband and kids that acknowledge my dreams and affords me opportunities. I have learnt that I do not need to do anything to justify my existence but rather to live the life God wants me to live. We should be nice to ourselves too…. We are all meant to be happy princesses. Someone extremely close to me send me this and I would like to end my post with it.

Have a week filled with love, joy and gratitude.      

Monday, November 18, 2013

Embracing my imperfections

I’ve lost 1.2kg bringing my total weight loss to 7.2kg.

Over the past few weeks lots of people asked me what eating and exercise programme I follow. Most people expected me to give them a rigid list of everything I have to eat from Mondays to Fridays as well as my gym schedule.  I was one of those that always looked for a perfectly planned diet programme. It had to tell me exactly how many strawberries I could eat and when I should eat it.I would follow the diet step by step and as soon as I deviated I would stop, start my binge eating and start with the diet again a few weeks later.

This was the vicious cycle I followed.I had this obsession with being perfect in everything I do. The clothes in my cupboard must be packed in a certain way, the files in the study must be a certain way and the pillows needed to be stacked a specific way.

It was my kids that taught me that life is not perfect. Each one of them had their own peculiar way of doing things and I had to accept it. I had to learn the difference between seeking perfection and striving for peace.This was a starting point in my life realising that there can be beauty in imperfection. My peace came from realising its okay not be perfect. I need to let go and allow myself to be imperfect too. It’s okay to have my chocolate that I craved for so long and just making sure my next meal is a healthy one again. I don’t need to be perfect. My perfection comes from knowing I am always open to empowering myself and being comfortable with the choices I make.
I now understand why I have always been interested in Yoga. I started doing yoga and meditation classes. The mediation classes taught me how to quiet my mind and focus on the important things in life. Meditation helps me to live a life of gratitude.  My yoga teacher often tells us not to push your body and only do what it allows you to do. There is no perfect way. I often drive back from yoga classes and laugh with Zina at the funny things I did in yoga class but I am enjoying it because I learnt to embrace my imperfections.

I have learnt to do the things I enjoy. The eating plan I follow is a healthy lifestyle that does not have a specific worked out plan but counts calories. I have chosen to follow

It’s a free online website that tracks my calories and fitness on a daily basis. It is a wonderful website with lots of motivational stories. One of the stories that impressed me the most was that of Katie. She wanted to be healthy and still enjoy her occasional cookies

I am of opinion that we as women put too much pressure on ourselves. We have to learn to let go of our desire for perfection and embrace who we are.  I love the detail and still strive for order, that’s who I am and I am comfortable with it but I‘ve also learnt to let go and embrace my imperfections which I have in abundance. Learning this and accepting myself is what drives me more this time than any of the other time I’ve tried to lose weight. This time I realised I want to enjoy being healthy and living a life filled with love and happiness.

Our yoga teacher Anja, is filled with so much love and has inspired me in so many ways. She always ends the class with the words Namaste. I found the meaning of it so profound and would like to end my post with the same words….

Have a week filled with love, joy and gratitude.      